Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Expense or convenience

Just last week, the construction of the C-5 U-turn flyover has concluded. Now vehicles coming from Makati and Quezon City can use the flyover to get to Pasig or Pateros via Buting.

new u-turn fly over

In the past, commuters and drivers alike need to go further to get to Buting after the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority implemented the no left turn rule in C-5. They will either turn right to Kalayaan and make a U-turn near Fort Bonifacio's Gate or drive ahead and around Market! Market! to be in Pateros. Some opted to use the new bridge in Sta. Rosa, Pasig.

new c-5 u-turn flyover

This new u-turn flyover has come as a convenience to these travelers.

But just how many need this flyover? Will this prove to be the convenience people need or be just like the flyover in Meralco Avenue that crosses Julia Vargas where only a trickle of the daily rush hour travel fly through? We'll soon see.


Anonymous said...


This is an example of extravagant stupidity.

First, I'm starting to think that the MMDA's idea of "shortest distance between two points is a U-turn." (idea I'm borrowing and really starting to believe in, from someone I heard). I understand that they are trying to solve traffic flow. But WTF, a U-turn flyover that ends exactly at the traffic light? So when it's red along C-5, those on the U-turn flyover will have to be stuck, too! The idea of a flyover (at least to me) is to cross an intersection without being affected by the opposite/intersecting lane.

Second, okay, given the ingenuity of a U-turn flyover, but with corners? You can see that this resembles a pedestrian overpass. People! Cars can't shift like the way peds can at corners. They need the curves to be able to complete turns. This could cause a jam on heavy traffic, and may cause accidents too.

So please KISS. Keep It Simple, Sana. Don't think too much about innovation, just improve on things that already work.

Anonymous said...

check mo ko brod