Monday, March 17, 2008

Vacation woes

While riding the FX to work, I heard two guys talk about this:

1. Time to report to the office
2. Where to stay during vacation

FX is a model of the Toyota Tamaraw Asian utility vehicle (AUV) primarily used as a public utility vehicle (PUV) due to its large capacity. It comes between the regular jeepney and the taxi cab.

Reporting time

It is common that people who know each other are interested in the times they get to work. This discussion usually start discussions covering other topics.

This topic is also a form of assurance for some that they are not the only ones who are late for work.


As vacation looms, where a person spends that time forms another topic. People compare notes on their planned vacations. They talk about where to stay, what to do, and sometimes how much it costs.

Today, the other passenger will be spending his vacation in the house of one of his buddies. His buddy will be alone this Holy Week and he welcomes the company. He will spend it there with his other buddies and they will probably drink themselves to exhaustion during the four days they will be together.

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